The most common insurance questions, Answered by Experts
Unclear on common insurance questions in the past? We look at the most Googled insurance questions and answer them for you. Why is my car insurance so high?

Terrorism Insurance: Do i really need it?
We know that no building is exempt from a terrorist attack and the businesses and property owners we help protect know this too. Could your business benefit from a terrorism insurance policy in 2019?

Pottery Firm Becomes Latest Target of Increasing Cyber Attacks
A pottery firm based in Stoke-on-Trent is the latest business to experience a cyber attack when it was targeted by a hacker.

3 of the most misunderstood insurance types
A number of businesses tend to opt for the cheapest insurance out there and hope they don’t pay the consequences when things go wrong. This is a mistake! We’ve compiled three often misunderstood insurance products that go unnoticed which can truly help you in times of need.